Cambodia has an estimated 6.9 million residents living without access to electricity. Nearly 85% of the country’s population lives in rural areas where they struggle with a cost-hindering, unreliable or unaccessible electrical grid. A small portion of the population who do have access are on low incomes and simply cannot afford power. Instead, they rely on diesel generators and makeshift battery hookup to suit their needs. Given these factors, installing adequately sized off-grid PV systems is these areas has proven to be a cost-effective and long-term means to provide access to reliable electricity.

Stephen Mazujian Middle School, located in Arah Svay village just outside Siem Reap, is in one of the most affected areas. More than half of the population in this region live on less than $.43/day (USD). The cost of electricity is simply out of reach for most.
Through a collaboration with Global ADE and 10 months of planning, gathering donations, sponsorships and coordinating the help of a dedicated team of volunteers.
Twende Solar was successful in sizing and deploying a 26kW off-grid PV system to provide adequate power for the school. Equipment included SolarWorld modules, SunModo racking & mounting, Outback Power inverter/chargers and 96 Rolls 2 volt S-1450 * batteries with 1124 AH capacity [4496 AH total capacity (C/20)] in a 48-volt configuration to provide ample energy storage.

Completed in September 2016, this off-grid system provides sufficient electricity to operate the four-building campus, impacting 1,200+ students, and is projected to produce over 36,000 kWh of electricity annually; enough to cover future expansion and upgrades as work is being completed to add a new high school facility on-site.

*2-volt S-1450 model now S2 L16 with 1169 AH capacity C/20